Biophilia is a film I made in collaboration with another student for final project at SCAD.

The idea behind this video was to show the connection of the nature and the humans. With technology more at our reach, we tend to take for granted the environment surround us. We wanted to show the audience that there is a real world out there, outside the digital screen, that can access anytime. For this project we wanted to create a piece that will show the cinematographic techniques used in motion graphics, along with a combination of other techniques like performance art to encapsulate the emotions we wanted to share with this film, the connection between the human and the nature.


CLIENT: M.A. Final Project.

MEDIUM : After Effects, Projection Mapping, Performance art.

ROLES: Creative Director: Paola Baiz, Youi Shih. Producer and Editor: Paola Baiz, Cinematographer : Youi Shih.

Aside from live- performance, we utilized projection mapping as a way to enhance the beauty that surrounds nature. The goal was to project on natural surfaces like trees, the leaves on the ground, and any other flat surfaces we could find suitable to project. We also brought in an artificial surface made out of white canvas that will only be used to projecting to resemble a 3-dimensional space.

The images that were projected onto the surfaces were images composited in After Effects and edited for video format. Most of the images were abstract iterations of what I found during the initial phase of searching with in the park.