Pixel is a video made in collaboration with Diana Fadal, James  Ortworth, Hunter Scully and myself. We wanted to explore abstract art within live action footage.

This project was edited using two different approaches to media, we used live-action, video time lapses and 3D renders, to be composited into one full video. We began to plan the project in the summer of 2019, and it took approximately 7 months to complete it, given in consideration that we are living in different cities.

The idea behind this project was just to have fun and apply art and design without any rules or constrains, just to have fun and to show a side of motion graphics that is not known to too many people.


Below are some of the style frames of my contribution to the project. I used 3-D renders,edited in After Effects. Since some of the other collaborators, were using live-action footage I wanted to compliment it with some digital visuals, to represent the reality we are living as of now, everything seems to be connected in digital form.